PX Biosolutions – innovative vaccine adjuvant platform

PX Biosolutions is a biotech company developing a novel vaccine adjuvant platform technology, DCtag, with prophylactic and therapeutic utility in both human and animal applications.

PX Biosolutions – innovative vaccine adjuvant platform

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CiMaas – cellular immonotherapy

CiMaas BV is a biotech company developing cellular immunotherapy for specific groups of cancer patients. CiMaas focuses on the development of two unique products: a cancer vaccine using the patient’s own immune (dendritic) cells and the production of donor natural killer cells. These methods can help to treat many oncological diseases.

CiMaas – cellular immonotherapy

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AllCells – primary human cells

AllCells is a biotech company providing high quality hematopoietic cell products and bioservices, like cell based assays, in-vitro expansion or differentiation, in-vitro characterization, etc…

AllCells – primary human cells

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