CRO & CDMO Search Engine

Please just fill this short form and we’ll put you in contact with the best CRO, CDMO or Service companies to obtain the best quotations :

Here we propose a free CRO & CDMO Search Engine to find the best quotations for your Preclinical efficacy tests, Preclinical Tox / PK / PD , CMC Manufacturing, Clinical Trials, IP Strategy, Regulatory, etc.

CRO & CDMO Search Engine

Here is a non-exhaustive list of services that are covered by this CRO & CDMO marketplace : GMP and non-GMP production of your compound, Preclinical efficacy tests in rodents and larger animals for small molecules, monoclonal antibodies, cell therapy or gene therapy, Preclinical Toxicity, PharmacoDynamics and PharmacoKinetics in rodents (mice and rats) and larger animals (dogs, pigs, Non-human primates, etc.), Clinical Trial management by an external CRO, IP Strategy by Top-Notch IP LAwyers, Regulatory advisors, Regulatory roadmap and Regulation Gap Analysis, etc.

Please just fill the short form above and we’ll put you in contact with the best CRO, CDMO or Services companies to obtain the best quotations. Or for more info, please send us an email at admin [at]

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