Do you need to Find Biotechnology Leads ? Specific Leads for your new product? Try our innovative solution : BIOLEADS ! Specific Contacts for your company !
More than 100.000 scientific papers are published every month, as well as thousands of Grants and Fellowship. This incredible source of potential Leads is too big to be analyzed and cross-checked by your Marketing Team ? Want to Find Biotechnology Leads ?
Don’t worry, we have the solution : BIOLEAD !
We developed a proprietary and innovative software to propose you specific Leads. Just define your needs and we send you a full list of potential customers !
Format of the Contacts : We send you the Contacts in an Excel file :
For any specific needs in the Format of your Contacts, please contact us .
For any specific request (targeting specific universities or research centers, specific informations needed, specific database, etc…), please contact us .
Any doubt or questions? Want to Find Biotechnology Leads? Please contact us!
Definitions :
Analysis : one Analysis corresponds to a search using our proprietary software. The Analysis is performed using your Criteria.
Contact : one Contact corresponds to all available information for all Authors in one scientific paper (all available Names, Research Institute, emails, Country, etc…). Thus : 1 Contact = all info from 1 paper.
Criteria : parameters you defined to restrict your Analysis. You can propose up to 10 Keywords, and restrict for a specific localization (country, city) and/or timing (e.g. “published only in the last 2 years”). Restriction by localization and timing are optional. But you need to provide at least 1 Keyword.
Keyword : a word or a group of words defining your Analysis. The wider your Keyword is, the bigger will be your Contacts list, but less stringent (e.g. using “Chromatography” as Keyword will provide much more results than using “Chromatography HPLC pesticide”).
Find Biotechnology Leads: BioLeads is a proprietary software brought to you by Biotech365 .
Find Biotechnology Leads => BIOLEADS by Biotech365 !