Abbiotec – protein transfection reagent

Abbiotec is a company focused on developing and commercializing next generation antibodies and reagents for the life science research community.

Abbiotec – protein transfection reagent


As researchers are focusing their efforts on determining the biological functions, interactions and regulation of proteins, Abbiotec is dedicated to developing cell biology-based research tools that assist scientific discoveries. Abbiotec aims to deliver antibodies against druggable proteins. Its proprietary technology allows to select, design, and produce antibodies, lysates, and various reagents with a high degree of skill and efficiency. Abbiotec offers a large library of unique antibodies targeted against high value druggable proteins. Indeed, Abbiotec provides over 1.000 antibodies against biological targets investigated in academic and pharmaceutical institutions. Abbiotec develops monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies that are unique in binding a new epitope or in recognizing a new target and developed for immunoprecipitation, ELISA, IHC, western blot and flow cytometry applications. Abbiotec also proposes a wide variety of complete and ready-to-use ELISA kits that have been extensively tested for superior quality and reproducibility. These Immunoassay kits are available for measuring a large range of molecules (chemokines, cytokines, hormones, growth factors, proteases, cell adhesion molecules, etc…). Furthermore, Abbiotec offers over 400 synthetic peptides for immediate experimental needs (hormones, neuropeptides, drug generics, etc…). Additionally, Abbiotec offers over 10.000 lysates from 293 cells transfected with a plasmid coding for one of the 25.000 proteins from the human genome. The lysate is prepared from HEK293T cells transiently transfected with a TrueORF gene-carrying pCMV plasmid and then lysed in RIPA Buffer. Moreover, Abbiotec allows researchers to deliver active proteins into living cells within hours with its innovative Lipodin lipid-based reagents. Lipodin is a protein transfection reagent that transports biologically active peptides, proteins and antibodies directly into living cells. Lipodin represents an alternative to nucleic acid transfection for functional studies. Lipodin is a lipid-based formulation that is added to the protein of interest minutes before cell delivery. Within few hours, protein activity can be observed in living or fixed cells. Thus, Lipodin is ideal for monitoring kinetics of biological activities in established cell lines and primary cells, including neurons.

Abbiotec LLC is a rapidly-growing biotech company located in one of the most dynamic and exciting biotech hubs in San Diego (USA). Abbiotec focuses on delivering novel antibodies and research reagents for the life science community using creative R&D and development techniques.

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Abbiotec – protein transfection reagent – Lipodin

Abbiotec – Abbiotec LLC – protein transfection reagent – protein transfection – antibodies – antibody – druggable proteins – druggable protein – monoclonal antibodies – polyclonal antibodies – monoclonal antibody – polyclonal antibody – immunoprecipitation – ELISA – IHC – western blot – flow cytometry – synthetic peptides – synthetic peptide – neuropeptides – drug generics -neuropeptide – drug generic – Lipodin – Lipodin transfection – Lipodin transfection reagent