NeuroSys is both a CRO and a drug discovery company focused on neurodegenerative diseases.
Neurosys – drug discovery for neurodegenerative diseases
NeuroSys is a CRO providing biopharma and biotech industries with efficient and highly skilled preclinical modeling services. Indeed, NeuroSys develops and uses specific preclinical models of CNS diseases to achieve high-quality efficacy pharmacology and mode of action studies, mainly focusing on Alzheimer disease (AD), Parkinson disease (PD) and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease). Indeed, studies’ model for AD includes primary culture of cortical neurons or hippocampal neurons. For ALS, Nerves / muscle coculture are used, as well as Primary culture of motorneurons or cortical neurons for Demyelinating diseases. Parkinson Disease can be studied using primary culture of mesencephalic neurons, and Huntington disease using primary culture of mesencephalic neurons. Its pharmacology platforms have been designed to accept different entity sources such as Plants, Simplified Plant Extract (SPE) or compounds (natural or chemical source).
NeuroSys is a privately owned CRO biotech company headquartered in Gardanne (France). As a dynamic and innovative startup, NeuroSys offers a wide range of services via screening assays through its proprietary biopharma platforms. NeuroSys aims to provide clients with the highest-quality preclinical efficacy and mode of action contract services for CNS diseases. NeuroSys also develops its proper programs to discover news active compounds coming from South-East Asia medicinal plants. This activity relies on its strategic and exclusive partnership with the IDVP (Vietnam Pacific Development Institution). Indeed, NeuroSys benefits from a privileged access to the Vietnamese medicinal plants pharmacopeia with a neuroprotective effect. NeuroSys benefits from 225 m² of new offices and laboratory (including eco-extraction, HCS, characterization equipment, etc…). Robotizing platforms allow substantial time savings and leading to a considerable improvement into the reproducibility and accuracy of results.
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