CMDBioscience is a computational biotech company using computational methods to enable transformational peptide drug discovery.
CMDBioscience – computational peptide discovery
Computational science is playing an increasingly important role in peptide drug discovery. Thus, CMDBioscience developed CMDInventus, a proprietary computational peptide drug discovery platform. Based on fundamental biochemical and biophysical principles, CMDInventus rationally and efficiently exploits the continually evolving biological “big data” and drive the discovery of novel peptide drug candidates. Indeed, CMDInventus is able to mine massive data sets and explore novel peptide design ideas in silico, prior to engaging in costly and time consuming in vitro and in vivo testing. CMDInventus can be used to support structure-based, ligand-based and ADME/Tox modeling, simulation and design. CMDInventus is composed by core biophysical modules that comprise its intermediate layers. Each module is biophysics-based and has been rigorously validated against expertly constructed peptide datasets. Importantly, the modules can handle standard and non-standard amino acids and peptide chemistries. Key core biophysical modules include CMDpeptide (ab initio peptide structure modeling and prediction), CMDscaffold (peptide scaffold selection and design), CMDdock (protein-peptide structure prediction), CMDdesign (rapid and exhaustive sampling of peptide amino acid space), CMDescore (empirical binding affinity prediction), CMDmscore (molecular mechanics binding affinity prediction), CMDboltzmann (ensemble-based binding affinity prediction), CMDdescriptor (biophysical descriptor engine and quantitative model building and selection) and CMDprotease (modeling and prediction of protease cleavage sites). CMDBioscience is currently developing peptides inducing endogenous stem/progenitor cell mobilization and immunotherapy, representing two huge market opportunities. CMDBioscience mainly focuses in their therapeutic potentials in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and B cell follicular lymphoma settings. This AML program involves collaboration with John DiPersio of Washington University. The lymphoma program involves collaboration with Stephen Ansell of the Mayo Clinic.
The peptide drug market is expanding two times faster than the global drug market and is projected to hit $28 billion by 2018. With clinical success rates for peptide drugs 2 times better than success rates for conventional drugs, this market opportunity is based on solid science. CMDBioscience is executing on platform-based, revenue generating peptide drug discovery collaborations with leading biopharma and biotech companies. Management Team is composed by Joseph Audie, David Diller and Mark Jarosinski. Board of Directors is composed by Joseph Audie, Dan Wagner, Konstantine Drakonakis and Gerald Vovis. Scientific Advisory Board is composed by Bernhardt Trout, Yaoqi Zhou, Victor Hruby, Ben Wolozin and Tomi Sawyer. CMDBioscience is headquartered in the USA.
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