DNAtrek is a biotech company proposing an innovation, DNATrax, harnessing the power of DNA from natural ingredients to create the world’s most advanced barcoding system.
DNAtrek – DNA barcode
Food fraud is a real threat to human health, with for instance 33% of all seafood sold being mislabeled. Honey, milk, olive oil, juices, etc… are frequently mixed with less expensive ingredients, clouding agents and sometimes with dangerous ingredients such as formaldehyde, melamine or toxic dyes. Every year, 3.000 people die due to food borne illnesses in the US and 125.000 people get hospitalized due to food borne illnesses, for an estimated $150 billion worldwide. Traceability is the most important defense for food safety and quality. Traceability allows the consumers to be certain that their food is organics, GMO free, pesticide free, kosher, etc… Furthermore, traceability helps producers to protect their reputation and avoid undue recall costs, etc… The innovative tool developed by DNAtrek allows to trace food from fork to farm in minutes. This advanced barcoding system (DNATrax) is 100% safe and approved as an edible product by the FDA. DNATrax can be sprayed directly onto fresh produce and other food products or it can be mixed in with liquid or dry goods. About one billionth of a gram is enough to carry detailed origin information down to producer, field, picking crew, harvest date, packer, etc… DNAtrek and LLNL jointly invented an improved reformulation of DNATrax that allows for an essentially infinite number of DNA based barcodes that can be generated and produced at the point of need and as needed.
DNAtrek is a biotech company based in the USA. Management Team is composed by Anthony Zografos (CEO) and George Farquar (CTO). Advisory Board is composed by a team of world renowned experts in the fields of safety and traceability (Kurt-Peter Raezke, Jennifer McEntire, Fotis Sotiropoulos, Selina Wang and Garrett Patricio). DNATrax has many other applications in environmental monitoring, healthcare and biodefense.
More about DNAtrek : www.dnatrek.com