BioThema is a Swedish company entirely devoted to ATP technology. BioThema develops, produces and sells reagents and kits for the measurement of ATP, mainly by the firefly luciferase reaction.
BioThema – luminescent assays
In luminometry, light is easy to measure accurately, even at very low levels. Bioluminescent assays are set up in a way that the total amount of light emitted is proportional to the analyte, the substance you want to measure. Such assays have a unique combination of characteristics: very low detection limits, low cost equipment, low cost reagents and simple analytical procedure. Light is often measured in RLU (Relative Light Units) but usually with some technical limitations : you can not correlate RLU directly with the total amount of ATP or luciferase in the sample. BioThema’s unique Internal ATP standard makes it easy to calculate the precise amount of ATP, without standard curves! BioThema’s knowledge has a wide range of applications, including rapid cell counting, hygiene monitoring, cell proliferation and cytotoxicity, monitoring enzymes and metabolites, immunoassays, reporter gene expression, biomedicine and HTS in drug discovery. BioThema’s philosphy is based on mutual benefits: establish an open dialogue with customers and help them to succeed.
Dr. Arne Lundin is the founder and co-owner of BioThema. He has worked in the area of bioluminescence since more than 30 years, including authorship of 64 scientific papers, 9 patents related to bioluminescence and chairman of several international luminescence congresses. He left his position as head of Bioluminescence Laboratory (Karolinska Institute) and started BioThema in 1987 with his wife Ulrika. Since 2001 BioThema is located in Handen (south of Stockholm, Sweden) and the facilities include the production department, research department and the sales and marketing team. BioThema sell directly to customers via internet but they are also supported by a wide network of distributors all around the world.
More information about BioThema :
BioThema – luminescent assays – bioluminescent assays – ATP technology – Internal ATP standard – rapid cell counting – hygiene monitoring – cell proliferation – cell cytotoxicity – monitoring enzymes – monitoring metabolites – immunoassays – reporter gene expression – biomedicine – HTS drug discovery
BioThema – luminescent assay – bioluminescent assay – Arne Lundin – Ulrika Lundin – ATP – measurement ATP – RLU – Relative Light Units – Bio Thema