Scienon is a leading biotech company supplying quality instrumentation and services for low volume liquid handling. Scienon’s proprietary technologies include surface modifications, piezo electric dispensing and microarray manufacturing.
Scienon – assay miniaturization
Scienon’s core competencies include ultra-low volume liquid dispensing, assay miniaturization, and microarray manufacturing, allowing Scienon to provide researchers with an integrated product portfolio improving multiplex analysis, high throughput screening and high throughput production of microarrays in the genomics and proteomics fields (DNA microarray production, multiplex assays, biosensor loading, peptide microarrays, miniaturized PCR, protein microarrays, cell deposition, etc…). Scienon’s non-contact dispensing technology, called sciDROP-ON-DEMAND, takes microarray spotting to the next level. This non-contact technology offers lots of benefits over contact spotting (homogenous spots morphology, no damage to sensitive surfaces, dispensing into very small cavities, drop volume fully controlled by implementing a proprietary vision-based algorithm, etc…). This sciDROP-ON-DEMAND technology is implemented as either sciDROP PICO (for an ultra-low volume range from pico- to nanoliters) or sciDROP NANO (nano- to milliliters). All sciFLEXARRAYER systems can be equipped with this picoliter and/or nanoliter dispensing technologies. The proprietary software, sciDROPVOL, precisely measures the dispensed volume and allows the scientist to control every dispensing operation.
Scienon is based in Berlin (Germany) and ISO 9001 certified. Founded in 2000 as a spin-off of the Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, the privately held company founded in 2011 an US subsidiary in Princeton (USA) to start selling its products and services directly into the North American market. Scienon’s proprietary microarray and liquid handling technologies were awarded with the “Innovationspreis Berlin-Brandenburg” (awarded by the German Federal States of Berlin and Brandenburg). Based on a strong background in miniaturization and multiplexing technologies, Scienon offers extensive and all-round microarray development services for R&D applications.
More about Scienon :
Scienon – low volume liquid handling – assay miniaturization – microarray manufacturing – non-contact dispensing – sciDROP-ON-DEMAND – sciDROP PICO – sciDROP NANO – sciFLEXARRAYER – sciDROPVOL
Scienon – surface modification -piezo electric dispensing – microarray manufacturing – assays miniaturization – assay miniaturization – ultra-low volume liquid dispensing – ultra low volume – multiplex analysis – high throughput screening – high throughput production – microarray – genomics – proteomics – DNA microarray production – multiplex assays – biosensor loading – peptide microarrays – miniaturized PCR – protein microarrays – cell deposition – non-contact