Cytena – single cells on demand
Clonal cell line development is a crucial step in various applications including generating biopharmaceuticals (eg. monoclonal antibodies). Current workflows in cell line development have major drawbacks such as missing proof of clonality, inefficient single-cell isolation and reduced cell viability. The single-cell printer technology offers documented proof of clonality and provides efficient and fast single-cell seeding combined with excellent cell viability and zero risk of crosscontamination. The single-cell printer supports SLAS/SBS format 96-well and 384-well plates. A great variety of typical cell lines used in cell line development such as CHO-K1, HEK 293, L929 can be processed.
Moreover, the isolation of single-cells remains a challenging task in single-cell genomics. Current methods lack the evidence that only a single-cell has been isolated in the analysis vessel. It is important that the integrity of the cells is maintained prior to their lysis in order to preserve their DNA. Furthermore, cells should undergo as little stress as possible prior to their lysis in order to preserve their RNA and its expression level. The single-cell printer deposits single-cells in a very gentle manner, guaranteeing high purity and high viability. This provides optimal basis for downstream single-cell genomic analysis.
The patented single-cell printing technology enables fully automated isolation of single cells into standard microwell plate formats. The instrument uses an inkjet-like principle featuring a disposable, one-way printing cartridge. The cell sample is pipetted into the cartridge and an external actuator is used to eject droplets out of it. The integrated optical sensor allows for determination of cell number in each droplet. A fast shutter mechanism sorts the droplets containing exactly one single-cell into the substrate. Unwanted droplets are deflected into waste.
Cytena’s team is composed by Jonas Schoendube (CEO), Andre Gross (CTO), Benjamin Steimle (CFO) and Peter Koltay (Business Development).
Here is a short video describing Cytena’s technology :
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