PX Biosolutions – innovative vaccine adjuvant platform

PX Biosolutions is a biotech company developing a novel vaccine adjuvant platform technology, DCtag, with prophylactic and therapeutic utility in both human and animal applications.

PX Biosolutions – innovative vaccine adjuvant platform

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CiMaas – cellular immonotherapy

CiMaas BV is a biotech company developing cellular immunotherapy for specific groups of cancer patients. CiMaas focuses on the development of two unique products: a cancer vaccine using the patient’s own immune (dendritic) cells and the production of donor natural killer cells. These methods can help to treat many oncological diseases.

CiMaas – cellular immonotherapy

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Bellicum – dendritic cell vaccines

Bellicum Pharmaceuticals is a biopharma company developing novel cellular immunotherapies for various forms of cancer (both hematological and solid tumors), as well as orphan inherited blood disorders.

Bellicum – dendritic cell vaccines

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Cellin Technologies – cell therapy products

Cellin Technologies is a cell therapy products contract manufacturing company developing proprietary technologies to produce cells for experimental or clinical applications. Cellin Technologies provides services to biopharma and biotech companies, both in Estonia and external markets.

Cellin Technologies – cell therapy products

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